Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Special Announcement!

We've got a fun NEW project that we want your help with! Before Paul W.S. Anderson took the reins of the RE movies, George A. Romero was hired to produce a script for Capcom. Following completion, however, he was let go by Capcom and the studio because the script would have been apparently too expensive to produce and was "too close" to the game. But it has since been made available online. The script is a fairly accurate adaptation of the first game with characters including Chris, Jill, Barry, Wesker and even Ada Wong being included as the major characters. We're interested in producing a radio drama of the script and want other RE fans to help us out by auditioning for these and other roles. Firstly, you must be a convincing actor, sound enough like the game characters and have a good quality microphone. If you're interested, tweet us and we'll give you the info you need to audition!

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